Lock Down
I believe the lockdown, in fact, has opened up many things for us all. The inner belief, the understanding of what we require at the miniscule level has come out in the open along with the virus spread. Most of us confined to four walls still live on, eat good food, and have a source of livelihood, and the warmth of family and a few friends.
The unexpected situation has put a pause to everything we did. We were in a hurry to reach somewhere, everyone in a race of his or her own. Now being confined indoors, we begin to realize that the thing that is substantial is compassion towards each other. The value of life is in the realization that life can be simpler. Grandeur is not spending a fortune for social events, but investing love and compassion in the society we live in.
The lockdown has taught many of us to be self-dependent. During tough times, the inner strength and resilience comes to the fore. The curb on outbound activities and the restrictions on social gatherings have surely put a lid on undue expenses. But, the biggest gain in my opinion is the inbound journey within us. The human mind survives on dependability; it seems easy to fall on another being to get a work done. Now, when put under isolation, every mind finds its inner strength which it never thought it had - The immense potential within every mind to cause a stir and create a wave of positive change.
Author : Shibu Nambiar
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