Actual Indian History and reality in Cinema?

The actual indian history is an acclimatization of the mythology woven in the complete spiritual arena. Indian history has a myriad collection of instances like the mughal era, nizam, afghans, rajputs independence and freedom struggle and their valors and magnificent monuments which are still enchanting in the modern era. Indian history eventually depicts the importance of different religious practices which implicates the origin of varied traditions and cultures widespreading the entire world. The Hinduism, buddhism, jainism, are the examples of the religions which rooted from the indian history and has innumerable followers around the globe. While the scenario of indian history in cinema is equally important,as many of us are acquainted with historical events only through movies in this generation. Although it showcases rich culture and heritage of indian history on the silver screen by making it easy to understand layman. But it does not reach the optimal level ...