Various types of Ads

Search Ads The first and foremost type of Ads is search Ads as the name suggests search ads are those Ads that are generated by searching something on the search engine. For example- You search for shoes online on google, the first few results shown by google are preferred ads which are considered to be search ads. They are paid ads and each click on such links is paid. Display Ads Display Ads are somewhat similar to search ads the only difference is that in a display ads there is the corresponding image depicting the product. For example- Shoes online the result on google come ups with the various links and sometimes there is the option showing various platforms selling shoes online containing an image, price, and the e-commerce site name and clickable links attached to it. E-mail Marketing E-mail Marketing is another form of ads one works to achieve the results in e-mail marketing works by interacting with your clients over the e-mail. For this, you need to maintain a ...