How to modify our weak education system.. Few things required to check



Education gives the intellectual strength drives our thought process, analyzing capability, stimulate the truth inside, and enlightenment. The base of the education started from home, rather from mother. Therefore the bond between a learner-teacher starts rolling since the kid’s walking and speaking stage.

The educational system based on school syllabus consisting of textbooks, notebooks, practice copy, etc. The exam pattern follows the trail of how much a student can memorize and rewrite in the exam hall resulting in the grade of A++, A+, A, B, C, D, etc. In the higher standard, they will get a laboratory, weekly once or twice practical classes conducted. Annually one cultural feast to nurture the artistic value discovery and one sports event to brush-up the sports skill to show the management and parents.

My perspective 

This is the way our entire school system is functioning. My suggestion is to enrich the syllabus with the applied method learning to build up the skill-set of the learner. Even in our history, we observed the gurukul concept consisting of bookish knowledge and practical method application. In those days learner should apply all the knowledge that he learned from his Guru.

The non-theoretical practice encourages students to learn to become an efficient master in their field of interest. The modern technologically advanced generation needs skill-development class, build their expertise level so that they can shape up their career to beat the challenge of the workforce.

Author : digiprolific digital marketing


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